Greg, Brenna and I spent a great night at the Viper Room in Hollywood Friday! We saw "The Long Shadows" "Tommy's Black Ringo's Carr band" And the FABULOUS "Boots Electric". What a show! It reaffirmed to me that what we are engaged in has real potential to break barriers and inspire! Thank you Viper!

The Shadows filled the stage with class and amazing talent. The audience couldn't keep still. Tommy Black's voice cut through the explosive tones of his band with style and soul. And Boots... Rarely seen one man fill a stage with so much presence and passion. Greg and I watched and listened. At one point he leaned over to me and shouted "That's gonna be us!"
What a great night!
Indeed! This was not just another pleasure cruise up Sunset Boulevard. Greg and I were eying that stage as a future kill!... Producer Brenna Rhea is currently plotting our debut for our live performance and release of CHASE THE SUN MUSIC VIDEO...

We have several irons glowing in the fire for after the debut event. Greg and I will be working on preparing ourselves for live performances and our publicity campaign. Our management is designing a more in depth and focused social media strategy to be implemented this year. More material is on the way! We will be releasing more singles and videos.
We are all in!
The night at the Viper reminded us that the Zeitgeist circling above speaks for itself. An audience of all generations singing along to cover songs of "The Rolling Stones" and "The Yardbirds".
I've written, recorded and performed music nearly all my life. But it seems that there is a
vacuum out there now. The giant sucking sound of a lack of inspiring enjoyable music on the digital airwaves. This audience was singing along to bands of my youth as though they had just bought the LP's that morning!
Those who know me, and everyone else involved in this project, know of our dedication to whatever craft we chose to spend our love and time on. Whatever music you chose to create should stand as the soundtrack for that moment in the listener's life. There may be some difficult and polarizing times ahead. As with all such moments in history the music tended to celebrate the reasons that were left to be joyful and optimistic. From the stage of the Viper, to the sand of the beach, to the screen of your phones this will be a celebration!
What if we could be that voice of inspiration and joy in an era of uncertainty. What if we could put ourselves out there to provide an inspiring soundtrack to life for others when they needed it most? What if this was the beginning of that moment? I can think of no place I would rather be than putting everything I have and am out there for everyone! Thanks to the Viper Room for being an inspiring step upwards!
